Driver's Bag Details Screen

1 BDO reference, Comments button
2 Comments added by dispatcher or driver
3 Type of delivery service

Delivery timeline (see below). Tap to display in full

5 BDO reference, passenger name, bag type, bag tag ID, tracking number
6 Passenger name and address
7 Functions available

Delivery Timeline

Time Value Originates From
Expected Delivery Date


The original Bag Delivery Order (BDO) created by the agent using WorldTracer

Expected Pickup Date
Requested Delivery Date
Scheduled for Pickup Pick up tour allocated by the dispatcher
Picked Up Date Actual time of pick up recorder by the driver
Scheduled for Delivery by Dispatcher Planned delivery time, recorded by the dispatcher
Scheduled for Delivery Date Planned delivery time, recorded by the driver
Unable to Deliver Date Recorded by the driver
Confirmed Delivery Date Recorded by the driver